
Steve Thorp Blog

Steve Thorp Blog is all about Surfing and Windsurfing. On this blog, you can find many articles on surfing, windsurfing, riders, racers and techniques to use in surfing and windsurfing.

We provide updated articles frequently to make sure our readers are up to date on the latest news and findings in surfing and windsurfing. Visit our blog regularly to learn more about the sport.


Windsurfing is a water sport that combines surfing and sailing. The term ”sailboarding” is also used frequently with the sport. The sport emerged in the late 60s from the surf culture that was happening in California. It received global attention and popularity by the 80s. Coastal towns from across the world take part in windsurfing.

On this blog, you can find many articles on windsurfing, famous windsurfing riders and techniques to use. Visit frequently for updated articles on windsurfing.


Surfing is a water sport in which the surfer uses a board to ride on the forward section. Primarily, waves that are suitable for surfing are found on ocean shores. A subcategory in the sport is also bodyboarding, where a surfer rides waves on a bodyboard, usually lying down on the bodyboard.

Visit this blog frequently for updated news and articles on surfing as a sport.


Getting started with either surfing or windsurfing can be difficult without a helping hand or beginners’ knowledge of the techniques that are important for the sport. The different techniques are vital to becoming prominent in surfing and enjoying it to its fullest.

On this blog, you can find many articles on different techniques for beginners, intermediates and more advanced surfers. We post many articles and discussions on advice for techniques to use and how to learn and practice them.

Racers and Riders

With windsurfing, there are many racing events throughout the UK and internationally. International windsurfing races can be watched on online streaming as well as satellite tv. Races in the UK can be attended by any individual wanting to view the race from nearby.

Visit our blog frequently for more information on windsurfing and the latest news and advice on the sport.

Steve Thorp Blog strives to be one of the most reliable blogs on surfing and windsurfing throughout the UK and globally. By reading our articles you are getting trustworthy and reliable information to help with techniques and news about surfing and board water sport.